I will inspire and help you to move towards your goals


Career Coaching

Coaching for a successful and fulfilling career

Business and Leadership Coaching

To inspire leaders to become role models

Personal Branding

LinkedIn and networking optimisation, effective CV and interview coaching

“Self growth is a tender, it’s holy ground.
There is no greater investment”.

What coaching is?

Coaching is “the art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another” Coaching is about supporting individuals to create clarity and realise the potential within themselves. A coach walks alongside the client through their journey, helping them to create manageable actions to move towards their overall goal. Coaching helps you get from A to B more efficiently and effectively than if you were to brave the sometimes arduous path of success alone. With a coach by your side you can feel secure in your vision and know that there is someone there to assist you with any challenge you may encounter. As a coach I will challenge your thinking process, listen intently to your responses, push you forward while remaining non-judgemental regarding the details, and allow you to build a path based on self ownership.

Is coaching right for me?

· Do you feel that currently you aren’t reaching your potential and feeling fulfilled?
· Is there a gap between where you are now to where you want to be?
· Do you sometimes feel as if you don’t have the skills, resources or confidence to achieve your goals?
· Do you feel stuck and put off making decisions or fail to stick to those decisions you have made?
· Are you ready to entertain new and fresh ideas?
· Are you willing to be accountable for what you desire?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, good news because coaching can offer the support you need to reach the next level!

Having me as coach

My coaching philosophy is to support you as my client, raise your awareness, create clarity and help you reach your full potential/feel balance within life. By taking a step by step approach and making things manageable you will be able to make great progress and I will be there to encourage and ensure you remain accountable.
Our aim will be to build success sustainability and take a gradual approach to actualisation…

Having a Coach means:

Being supported so you can achieve your full potential
• Working in a climate of trust, honesty and openness
• Having someone encourages you to explore a wide range of options
Challenging and taking you out of your comfort zone
• Analysing your blockages and weaknesses
Raising awareness of self and motives
• Help with exploring values and beliefs
Setting goals and defining actions plans
Working together in a non-judgemental and fully confidential manner

“Empower others is the best way to empover myself…I went through this too so I know how you feel. I made it through to the other side and you can too.”


I am Angela Fedele, an ICF (International Coaching Federation) certified Business and Career coach and a London based HR consultant. I work with professionals and entrepreneurs from all over the world to help them develop their skills and maximize their potential.
Since studying Sociology in university, I have developed a strong interest in human resource management as I have always believed that people determine the success of a company. Driven by this awareness, I have a master’s degree in HR and more than 10 years of work experience in multinational companies in the UK and Italy.


Through my work, I realized how rewarding it was for me to help people, contribute to their professional development and make a positive impact in their life.
My innate empathy and my ability to listen to others and encourage them to achieve their goals has driven me to become a professional coach.
Being a Coach is an opportunity for me to help people find a new path, enhance their lives and show that change is possible.
The skills acquired through my HR experience together with my coaching skills provides me with a unique combination to be a Business and Career Coach with a corporate vision capable of supporting professionals and entrepreneurs in reaching important goals and facing new challenges.


Outside the working world, a passion that has always accompanied my life is sport and being a professional basketball player.
Through Basketball, I have learnt important lessons: in sport as well as in our professional life, we can only achieve the desired goal with perseverance, sacrifice and determination. Our mind, as well as our body, must be constantly trained.
One philosophy I like to live by is that there is always more to learn and, by taking on new challenges, we can all grow in this ever-changing world.


ICF Accredited Coaching qualification
ICF Accredited Coaching qualification
ISTUD International Business School
Human Resources Management and Organization
Federico II - Naples
Federico II - Naples

Professional experiences

What people say about me

Conoscere Angela è stato un dono. Ho iniziato un percorso con lei in un mio momento abbastanza particolare. Mi ha insegnato ad avere più fiducia in me stesso, mi ha spinto a prendere in autonomia alcune scelte che non avrei mai preso. Grazie a lei ho un avuto un nuovo lavoro e mi sento molto soddisfatto.


Freelancer Nutritionist

During my coaching sessions with Angela, she helped to set up my goals and to be more aware of my ideal job according to my career and my ambitions.
She helped me to reorganize my curriculum and we make a planning for my future actions in order to reach the preset goals.
It was really helpful.


Arket Store Manager

Grazie al percorso di Coaching con Angela ho imparato
-ad agire secondo i miei valori
– a pianificare la mia crescita professionale e a procedere step by step per micro obiettivi
-ad adattare le mie aspettative alla mia situazione esistenziale/emozionale.

Giuliano C.

Mechanical Engineer

Thank you Angela for your support and coaching sessions over the last few months. You have a very friendly vet analytic approach which was helpful in breaking down my long term goals I had this vear. I valued your questioning and your ability to challenge me when needed I have made significant progress since we started earlier this year and I am in a better head space now to continue my journey in achieving the goals I set out this year. Thanks Angela!

Catherine P.

The lmpact that Angela’s sesslons has had on me have been lnvaluable. Angela has helped me realise, pian and achieve multiple goals across my flrst experience of coaching and coaching with a limited amount of sessions. I am more organlsed, focused and more hard working. I feel that I understand myself much better In terms of how I work and what I want from life. The skllls that I have realised wlll help me throughout my career for many years to come and I am extremely grateful for Angela and her coaching sessions.

Brock R.

Ho incontrato Angela in un periodo della mia vita in cui dovevo rientrare al lavoro dalla
maternità e non sapevo come gestire il lavoro full time e la famiglia.
Ero molto spaventata e pensavo di non riuscire a gestire tutto. Angela mi ha aiutato a fare
chiarezza sulle mie priorità, prendere consapevolezza su cosa è davvero importante per
me e come gestire il mio tempo. dal primo momento mi sono sentita compresa e
supportata da lei. mette passione in questo lavoro e Mi ha Trasmesso tanta energia. Ora
credo molto di più in me stessa e so come gestire le mie priorità.

Marianna C.

Compliance Specialist

Angela really helped me think creatively about how to overcome the challenges in my life.
Her attentive listening and astute questions really helped me to clarify issues in my head and come up with new ways of thinking. She was able to build a real connection with me so that I felt comfort sharing my thoughts and emotions with her, and I always came away from our seasons with confidence and specific actions. She’s really made a difference to many aspects of my life.

Graham D.

Managing Director

Ho contattato Angela per il suo personal branding programme. Angela mi ha aiutato ad avere maggiore
consapevolezza sui miei punti di forza e sui risultati raggiunti. Oggi posso dire che il mio CV rappresenta
in pieno chi sono, quello che ho fatto e quali sono le mie ambizioni.

Nicola M.

Sales Manager Hilti

I met her during a period of my life where a was struggling with thoughts about my personal life, and that was effecting my professional life too. I was looking for a career change.
After our 5 meetings she helped allot with reorganizing my life by making me relise my skills and potentials and how to best use them to search for a new job that would better suite me and my preference.
I am now still using this method to improve every aspects of my life and i am finding this really helpful.
Thanks to her my mind seems to be more organized and negative thoughts are managed better.

Gennaro E.


The overall impact of the coaching sessions have been to target goals, focus on achieving those goals,
setting up strategies. Angela helped me to align my values with my goals and without her help I would not have know how to do it.
I was able to set both short- and long-term goals. It also made me realise what is realistic, what can be achieved and set up a plan of action.
It also made me think outside the box more; I do not do this often but with the help and guidance of Angela, I was able to see and understand things differently and think of solutions to a variety fo questions.

Yoeri S.

Senior Data Analyst

I have had some good coaching sessions with Angela. From the first session we established a natural rapport and and very quickly built up a trust that instantly at ease.
Throughout the sessions, Angela was a patient listener and was able to do this in a polite and professional manner.
Angela enabled me to talk through, explore and define my goals and to develop options that I could take forward into tangible and realistic actions.
As a result of my sessions with Angela, I now feel I have a direction and focus for my coaching and how to use DISC.

Darroch M.

HR Professional

Angela has always encouraged me in achieving my small goals and she opened my eyes on the resources
I had to successfully achieve my goals that I have never considered. She is so professional, on time and
meticulous about the goal i’d like to reach because sometimes i was a little bit confused and she helped
me to walk in the right direction. I was also able to value my person and to understand
my strenght and successes. The achievement of small weekly goals and the deadlines helped me to
regain self-confidence, to be productive and to be more mentally calm. I’m glad I had this opportunity, I
feel more mature, capable and less anxious in every situation of my life. I will never stop thanking her for
the results obtained and I will keep her as a point of reference, if there will be unclear situations in my
life that i want to fix.

Erica A.

Master’s degree student

Book an appointment

Begin your coaching process with a free 30 minute trial today!

The first 30 minute session is completely free and no obligation. You will have an opportunity to explain your aims and requirements, and I will in turn clarify my role and commitments. In addition, I will explain our positions in the process and the structure of subsequent coaching sessions. My services are online or in person.

Drop me an email

Contact me

  • +393756051018

  • angela.fedele5@gmail.com

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